Madico began its Lean Manufacturing journey in 2007. Their achievements speak volumes: • Annual accident rate reduced by 59%, from 8.3 to 3.4 • Annual lost time accident rate reduced by 61%, from 6.9 to 2.7 • Energy reduction efforts include installation of 260 solar panels • Customer rejections as % of Sales reduced by 28%, from 1.45% to 1.04% • Quality improvements resulted in 62% more sales • 59% reduction in lead time for PV product line • 90% reduction in time to respond to customers, from 2 weeks to < 1 day • Improved OTD from 93% to 95% in a rapidly growing market • Reduced changeover times from 24 to 4 hours adding capacity to meet market growth • Improved inventory turns from 4.9 to 8.4 • 1,100+ employee ideas implemented to date (2 per person per year) • Increased Sales per Payroll $ from $4.59 to $7.85 • $4,
Respect for every individual is a principle belief for all associates. Average tenure is 17 years; its last layoff was in 1996 and was voluntary. President and CEO, Bob Connelly, sets the tone, letting employees know that they are the company’s most valuable resource. When the economic crisis hit, Madico faced tough decisions to maintain profitability, but resisted layoffs. Instead they redirected 12 labor employees to work on CI. This team, named "Wastebusters", still exists years later and is viewed as the reason Madico emerged from the economic downturn faster, stronger, and more flexible.
Madico is a global manufacturer of multi-layered engineered films which provide asset security, renewable energy, energy conservation and safety in the photovoltaic asset security, renewable energy, energy conservation and safety in the photovoltaic and window film markets, as well as specialized niche markets (ie antimicrobial films). In 2010, Madico was ranked #10 on the Top 100 Places to Work in Massachusetts and was ranked #1 in manufacturing.000,000+ saved, realized as additional profit, in 2 years, through CI efforts.
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